Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brightest Smiles.

     I have been lagging on posts since my first day at the new job; Starbucks and I cant express how grateful having this job makes me feel. I am truly blessed. Starbucks coffee isn't the best or even close to being my favorite I am not going to lie, but its caffeinated and it makes people happy. So making it and getting payed for it makes ME happy.
    In other news...I have just finished the last beer I will be having in 60 days. It's a fitness well as being vegetarian for these 60 days. It's added to a deal I made with one of my new co-workers. He will be doing Insanity and I running and P90X. I have been meaning to start since New Years but I am the queen of procrastination(2012 or not). Things are looking up for people around me and it makes me feel good. I made a promise that I would start taking my spirituality more seriously if I got this much needed job. Not only did I get it but it was such a raise from my old job, "the boi" got a job and things are looking good for a lot of loved ones and random people around me. Sooo...I dare you to tell me that there is no above. I have been spiritually dormant for the longest time, and I really am sick of it. I have a lot to be thankful for and I know my family and friends aren't just "lucky" someone has got their back. God is a touchy subject for everyone but being God-fearing since your little years can make a major impact on how you take life in and how you process things. I personally have accepted the challenge. 

   p.s. I have decided to apply to The Art Institute of California-Orange County and study for a  Degree in Baking/Pastry. Of course, this wont be until next Winter but I am starting to figure things out. Hopefully for the better this time.

  p.s.s. Check out my brothers new blog This kid inspires the shit out of me!

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